Our Favorite Homeschool Language Arts Resources
We have always read to the girls, always and always. Sometimes we read books, sometimes we read recipes, directions, road signs, labels, song lyrics, texts from grandma…you name it, we’ve read it out loud. Reading aloud impresses upon a child that the written word has value. It piques their curiosity for when they later come across a group of letters on their own…they automatically want to know what they mean. When they were snuggled on our laps, we would move our finger beneath each word as we read, this small action helped them to learn sight words easily. When the time came to teach them to read on their own, we found it happened quite organically. We used a moveable alphabet, a set of early readers and a book to practice their new found skill. Keep it simple!
We used these wood slice alphabet and sight words from Hope Learning Toys :
These Early Readers from Dash into Learning:
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These workbooks from Explode the Code:
Once they were ready to become full-fledged readers, we moved into the gentle curriculum offered by The Good and the Beautiful. We absolutely adore the open and go style of this curriculum. Although it is a Language Arts program, it also covers many aspects of Art, Science, History and Geography. The language is rich, the illustrations are stunning and the gentle poems peppered throughout the lessons are beautiful. Did I mention levels 1 through 5 are offered for free as a PDF download? Amazing!
We recently have also added in Handwriting Workbooks, also by The Good and the Beautiful , and have noticed marked improvement in the girls’ penmanship. Our oldest has taken off in her cursive writing and is absolutely enamored with this new skill. Every child learns differently, but I love sharing what has worked for us. If you have any questions whatsoever, do not hesitate to reach out!
What successes have you had in teaching your children to read and write?
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