• Learn

    A Closer Look at the Weather

    This week, with The Playful Pioneers curriculum we studied cloud formations, the water cycle AND rainbows.  We decided to combine it all in one neat study for our readers to enjoy. We began with our beloved “Nature Anatomy” by Julia Rothman (broken record, I know!). The girls shaped cotton balls to recreate the various cloud formations we can see in the sky as I read about what type of weather we can predict from these clouds.   They both picked a favorite and Miss Cumulus came out on top…”because she…

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    A Closer Look at Birds

    As the weather cools and the world gets buried in white winter, we begin to set up our patio bird feeders and wait for them to be discovered.  Living in Eastern Canada, we tend to see blue jays, cardinals, chickadees, nuthatches, grey jays, mourning doves and pileated, downy and hairy woodpeckers.  With these new visitors beginning to come by each day, a study of birds was definitely in order!  Miss 7 noticed as the leaves fell off the trees in the fall, the birds’ abandon nests were more visible, we…