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    Pistachio Shell Wheat Grass Craft

    Pistachio shells have always felt like a craft waiting to happen in my opinion! They are overabundant in this household and we are always looking for ways to put them to use.  Sometimes we make fun little animals, flower shaped magnets or imitation succulents. Today we decided to create Pistachio Shell Wheat Grass, which we will display in a newly found antique bottle.   SUPPLIES:  GLUE GUN  PISTACHIO SHELLS BAMBOO SKEWERS BOTTLE or vase for display The supply list is simple and the instructions are just as easy! This craft is…

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    Our Favorite Homeschool Curriculum

    I finally feel confident enough to share our favorite homeschool curricula with you!  If you are a seasoned homeschooler or new to the game, you know that confidence is always a struggle.  We want “the very best” for our children and as imperfect beings trying to teach little imperfect beings in an imperfect world, well, we have to settle for “our best”. We have used the following curricula for at least the past two years and will use it this upcoming school year as well.   If you follow us on…

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    Free Bird Journaling Page

    It doesn’t take long for little ones to discover the thrill of bird watching.  From their first glimpses through windows or on walks, they tend to be drawn to them right from the start.  If left at that, this interest may peak and then wane as other interests take over.  If we take the time to fan that flame, even just a little…a limitless source of relaxation, joy and wonder can be opened.   I want to share with you a tool that just may help your little bird watchers along…