• Create,  Learn

    A Closer Look at Bees

      In following The Playful Pioneers curriculum this week, we were led to study bees, beeswax and their common nectar sources.  This study inspired the below activities and then so much more…we “followed the spark” and down the rabbit-hole we went for a fun-filled week studying all things bees! We used both Nature Anatomy and Farm Anatomy by Julia Rothman to kick off our study and repeatedly, throughout our week as reference.  After recreating bees and their common nectar sources with pom poms and markers, we moved on to study…

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    A Closer look at Shapes

    I thought I would compile all of our fun 2D and 3D shape activities together for easy reference and inspiration.  Miss 4 is learning basic shapes, while Miss 6 is on to more complex 3D shapes.  The beauty of homeschooling is that we can enjoy these activities together.  Sometimes the lesson is a review for Miss 6 and sometimes it is a glance at what is to come for Miss 4. Although this simple washi tape and lego invitation to create was made for Miss 4…you can see that Miss…