Our visit to the Anne of Green Gables Museum ( & Matthew’s Carriage Rides)
We arrived at the 110-acre grounds holding the Anne of Green Gables Museum on a foggy summer morning. The museum itself is actually the original home built by John and Annie Campbell, Lucy Maud Montgomery’s aunt and uncle, and a home she described as “the wonder castle of my childhood”. Built in 1872 and maintained to this day, it stands on a small hill eagerly inviting all to enter and explore its contents. It was in this home that L.M. Montgomery felt most inspired and wrote several of her world…
Making Sun Prints (Cyanotypes) with Children
We thought we would share a project that has always brought us so much joy. The simple art of making sun prints or cyanotypes is something each family should try at least once. According to Wikipedia: Cyanotype, also referred to as “blueprinting”, is the oldest non-silver photographic printing process. It involves exposing materials which have been treated with a solution of potassium ferricyanide and ferric ammonium citrate to a UV light source such as the sun. Negative or positive images can be obtained by blocking UV light from reaching the sensitized material. For example, a…
“The Good and the Beautiful” Math Curriculum Review
When we first began our homeschool journey, we quickly realized what did and didn’t work for our girl’s learning style. They both thrive with visual and hands-on learning…plain worksheets just won’t cut it! I knew when I started researching different mathematics curriculum, that I would need to find something filled with illustrations, true to life scenarios, thought provoking discussions and of course, play! “The Good and the Beautiful” Math has ticked all those boxes and a few we didn’t even know we needed ticked! The physical curriculum is comprised…