A Closer Look at Germs
We were all hit with a cold bug at the same time, which means all four of us were couch-bound, tissue-in-nostril, moaning and fevered at once! It was a super tough week but on the plus side…we all recovered at once and didn’t have to endure the weeks of watching it spread through our family…amazing!
By the end of the week, ready to hit the books again, we decided to go with the theme our home was already set up for…GERMS!
It’s Catching by Jennifer Gardy was our main reference for this study, lots of hilarious illustrations to lighten the heavy topic of germs and reduce the likelihood that we all become hypochondriacs. This book can be simplified for the younger crowd but older kids will definitely enjoy the history and scientific detail in this gem!
It’s Catching by Jennifer Gardy
Health Microbes by Giant Microbes
For our first activity, I set up a mini-play dough kit for the girls to recreate some of the germs we are studying. I included googly eyes, gems, cut up cotton swabs and three colors of playdough. (See our full play dough post for recipe and more activities.)
I think it is so important to add hands-on fun to our school day, everyday…this helps keep them focused and also makes the lesson really sink in.
How terrifying are these critters?!
I next made shapes on paper with watercolors and the girls filled them in and added crazy details with Sharpies. I think seeing germs in this way really helps to keep the, otherwise grim, subject..light and fun.
Here are a few books I read aloud as the girls worked away on their projects.
Tiny Creatures: The World of Microbes by Nicola Davies
Germs are Not for Sharing by Elizabeth Verdick
What are Germs? by Katie Daynes
Next up, a little science experiment showing the importance of washing our hands. We filled a shallow dish with water and sprinkled glitter on top. We filled a small bowl with hand soap and a drop of food coloring (maybe 18 drops…Miss 4 gets excited) to add to the effect.
The glitter scattered away from the soap…just like germs get washed off with soap and proper hand washing! Light bulb moment for the girls!
The Why’s and the Who’s: As the soap drops into the water, it breaks down the surface tension of the water causing the water molecules (who still want to keep the surface tension going) to pull back and away from the soap, carrying the glitter right along with them.
We next showed how germs can spread by dipping our fingers in glitter and then touching things…the table, doorknobs, light switches and each other…very nice visual for littles!
A Germ’s Journey by Katie Laird
Now before the girls became overwhelmed with germs and how they can be everywhere and anywhere…we read about how we can fight these little guys with natural defenses.
Cutie Sue fights the Germs by Kate Melton
White blood cells to the rescue! What a great book for easily explaining how our body defends us against germs!
I Know How We Fight Germs by Kate Rowan
The girls had fun using cotton balls as white blood cells to defeat the wild and crazy germs they had created. What a crazy battle going on inside us at any given moment!
We also discussed ways we can take care of ourselves or others who are sick. Rest, lots of liquids and healthy eats.
Bear Feels Sick by Karma Wilson
A Sick Day for Amos McGee by Philip C. Stead
A few of our favorite comforts when we are feeling under the weather…what are yours?
Vintage Floral Handkerchief by MZLIU
Hand Sanitizer Spray by Everyone
Honey Lozenges by Zarbee’s
Diffuser by VicTsing
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