A Closer Look at Bread
Our activity today with “The Playful Pioneers” by The Peaceful Press was to make French bread.
It is painful to admit that we have never done this together before!
We followed the beautiful recipe in the cookbook included with “The Playful Pioneers” curriculum. HERE is a similar recipe by Your Homebased Mom if needed.
The kneading was a hit with Miss 6…she kept saying “I need to knead!”.
The girls loved tucking in the loaves to rise in the sun, they kept peeking at it every few minutes and were surprised at how quickly they grew in size.
We studied wheat with the help of our “Farm Anatomy” by Julia Rothman, while we waited.
Oh the house smelled so beautiful this day, I’ll never forget it!
“Sun Bread” by Elisa Kleven is a paperback book about a baker who misses the sun on a grey, wintery day and decides to bring some warmth back to the town for all to enjoy.
“Tony’s Bread” by Tomie dePaola is a paperback book about Tony, who dreams of becoming the a famous baker.
“Kids’ sandwich cookie cutters” by Bondream are too adorable not to add to a day of baking bread.
May this day find you within easy reach of HAPPY!
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