Easy Solar System Necklaces
Our study of the solar system would not be complete without a simple craft to remind us of what we had learned. By studying and painting each planet, the girls were able recall the different planetary features we had read about. Crafts and activities can often cement ideas and discoveries into our memory banks like no other method.
Twine or String
Wooden Beads (Assorted Sizes)
Watercolors and Paint Brushes
Solar System Book (or reference website)
After studying each planet and it’s characteristics, begin painting a wooden bead to represent each one in the solar system.
Remember, creating and connecting is more important that being exact and precise. Let the child take the lead!
We found that in using watercolors we were able to achieve a beautiful, soft, blended look and the beads also dried very quickly.
We slipped the beads on to a length of twine, but any string or ribbon would do.
After the paint dried overnight, we sealed them to preserve the colors. The finish really turned out beautifully.
This craft could easily be adapted for younger or older children by including more detail on the planets, using bigger beads, adding in dwarf planets or moons. I know we will revisit it as the girls grow. Let me know what you think!
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