A Closer look at Corn
This week with “The Playful Pioneers” Curriculum, we took a closer look at corn…from how it grows to the various ways we eat it.
We used “Farm Anatomy” by Julia Rothman for a detailed look at the various parts of the plant and “Food Anatomy” by Julia Rothman for an easy stove top way to make popcorn.
I highly recommend investing in this gorgeous limited edition boxed set (includes 10 frame worthy prints!). We reference these books daily and will continue to do so in the years to come.
Easy stove top popcorn recipe HERE
We highly recommend these healthy homemade topping options as well, if plain salt and butter just doesn’t do the trick (coconut curry, cinnamon sugar and matcha, to name a few).
We were so excited when we learned exactly how the heat makes the kernels pop that we forgot to place a cover on the pot…we were listening to hiss of the steam and suddenly the popcorn started exploding all over the kitchen! Boy, that stuff can fly! We salvaged what landed on the counter and stove and the rest went to a very happy blue jay on the deck.
“Corn” by Gail Gibbons is a non-fiction book providing a detailed history of corn, how it is grown and cultivated and its many uses.
“Corn Aplenty” by Dana Meachen Rau is a story of two children and their adventures on a farm while corn is being planted all the way through to harvest time. This is a Step 1 reader, perfect for beginning readers.
“Fall Harvests: Bringing in Food” by Martha E. H. Rustad is a sweet story of all the different foods harvested in the fall and festivals held around the world to celebrate them.
“Corn is Maize” by Aliki discusses the many good things that come from one amazing plant. Simple words and beautiful illustrations tell the story of Native Americans and how they introduced early settlers to this important food.
Lego-Stamped Corn on the Cob by “Crafty Mornings” is such an easy yet beautiful craft. Fine motor skills at their best with this one.
Bubble Wrap Corn Sun Catchers by “One Little Project at a Time” is the perfect recycling craft to use up all the bubble wrap laying around. Just try to get your little ones to resist popping it all beforehand!
Cheerio Corn on the Cob Craft by “Glued to My Crafts” is as simple as it sounds…effective with Rice Krispy’s as well!
Hope this day finds happiness within easy reach!
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