WriteStories by Scriptive Writing Program Review
A “WriteStories by Scriptive” Writing Program Review
As a homeschool family, we recognize the value in keeping learning fresh and interesting. With the girls entering middle school and high school respectively, it would be easy to continue with the same schedule and curriculum that has been working all along. But, we don’t want to merely go through the paces in their educational journey, we want them to be inspired, excited and challenged by what they are learning. When it comes to writing, we know the importance of having strong spelling and grammatical skills, but also the power of being a creative writer. It can be tempting to push spelling lists and grammar rules, but truly the focus should be on fueling a passion for storytelling. One way we’ve been nurturing this skill is through the online platform “WriteStories by Scriptive“.
This space allows teachers to assign book-based writing assignments to their students. The students in turn have full creative control of writing dialogue and descriptive text to accompany a variety of wholesome picture books. Often, writing a story can be overwhelming, inspiration can be lacking and this can lead to frustration. “WriteStories by Scriptive” takes away the pressure and children are led naturally to tell a story that the illustrations they see inspire. The girls love that the books are displayed on-screen just as a physical book would be, complete with the ability to flip through the pages. How wonderful for children to be able to see their book come to life!
The book list available offers many beautiful and wholesome books to choose from, there is something for everyone, truly! We want to ensure our children have access to the highest quality of reading material and “WriteStories by Scriptive” has put in the time and research to ensure that’s what their students are exposed to. We are so thankful for this safe space to explore and grow.
We also appreciate that the girls can work at their own pace and level, which keeps learning fun, as it should be. Parents and teachers can review the child’s work and decide whether to correct grammar and spelling or simply let the creative juices flow during this time. We tend to do a combination of both, providing gentle suggestions if we see a spelling or grammatical error becoming a habit.
We have also noted that there is an option for speech-to-text for those who may not be physically able to type in their text prompts. What a wonderful inclusive feature for our young learners to enjoy!
One thing we have enjoyed doing is choosing a book to work on as a family, what fun this has brought to us all! The stories, of course, always take a silly and playful turn, but seeing the girls light up with every turning page has made these moments so special. Seeing them make the connection between being a proficient story teller and the emotion that can be passed along to the reader has really been a gift this season.
This platform has really shown our daughters the practical application of writing in the real world. They are both inspired to one day write their own books! It has been so rewarding to see their confidence and creativity soar. You can sign up for your free 7-day trial here, use code SUE33 to save 33% on your subscription. Be sure to drop any questions in the comments below!
Please note that we were compensated for our fair review of this platform, all feelings and thoughts are our own.