A Closer look at Shapes
I thought I would compile all of our fun 2D and 3D shape activities together for easy reference and inspiration. Miss 4 is learning basic shapes, while Miss 6 is on to more complex 3D shapes. The beauty of homeschooling is that we can enjoy these activities together. Sometimes the lesson is a review for Miss 6 and sometimes it is a glance at what is to come for Miss 4.
Although this simple washi tape and lego invitation to create was made for Miss 4…you can see that Miss 6 quickly joined in. Who could resist this brilliant yellow?
“Washi Tape” by AGU
We next moved on to 3D shapes for Miss 6 and this easy toothpick and playdough invitation was a hit with all of us. If you haven’t tried this, you must! It becomes addicting trying to see what other shapes you can create.
I was so close to passing along this much loved shape puzzle, but am so happy I kept it. We have already used it countless ways this year alone and…did I mention it’s a sound puzzle?
“Sound and Shape Puzzle” by Melissa and Doug
Our next activity was inspired by the weather…our first snowfall this season to be exact. We cut up paper towel rolls and then bent them into the shape of squares, diamonds, triangles and circles. The girls then placed them on construction paper creating beautiful snowflake patterns. We covered symmetry in this study as well.
We loved the 3D effect on this one!
“Phonetic Cards” by The Peaceful Press
Another artsy twist on learning shapes…this one inspired by a beautiful book we happened to be reading that week. The girls traced the puzzle pieces from their shape puzzle and then used watercolors to fill in each little section. I loved that they worked on this together…a framer for sure!
“Sky Color” by Peter H. Reynolds
Here’s a peak at our classic set up when reviewing shape formation.
Our trusty geoboard and elastics, as well as cork trivets and tacks to practice tracing the shapes…fine motor skills hard at work here!
“Geoboards” by SI Manufacturing
“Cork Trivet” by IKEA
What are your favorite SHAPE related activities?
Hope this day finds you reaching for HAPPY!
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Love this! Thanks for the great ideas, will be trying these for sure. Bookmarked your site for future reference 😉
Oh thanks so much! Let me know what you try and enjoy!