• Learn

    A Closer Look at Bread

    Our activity today with “The Playful Pioneers” by The Peaceful Press was to make French bread.  It is painful to admit that we have never done this together before! We followed the beautiful recipe in the cookbook included with “The Playful Pioneers” curriculum.  HERE is a similar recipe by Your Homebased Mom if needed.   The kneading was a hit with Miss 6…she kept saying “I need to knead!”. The girls loved tucking in the loaves to rise in the sun, they kept peeking at it every few minutes and…

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    A Closer Look at Pigs

    This week with “The Playful Pioneers” curriculum we studied PIGS…swine, sows and hogs. We first sketched a picture of a pig and labelled all her parts with the help of “Farm Anatomy” by Julia Rothman.  Of course, the girls had a good chuckle about the word “rump”.       We mixed whip cream and cocoa to make a nice muddy mess for our pigs to play in.  The girls would get the pigs completely covered and then run to wash them off and repeat the process over and over. …

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    A Closer look at Corn

    This week with “The Playful Pioneers” Curriculum, we took a closer look at corn…from how it grows to the various ways we eat it. We used “Farm Anatomy” by Julia Rothman for a detailed look at the various parts of the plant and “Food Anatomy” by Julia Rothman for an easy stove top way to make popcorn. I highly recommend investing in this gorgeous limited edition boxed set (includes 10 frame worthy prints!).  We reference these books daily and will continue to do so in the years to come.  …