Anne of Green Gables Activities
Early this summer, we booked a week of camping in Prince Edward Island with friends. It would be impossible to plan such a trip without a little Anne of Green Gables fun! So, we did what any fan(atic) would do and we added every possible “Anne” book to our library list and pinned every activity found on Pinterest. Here are our favourites to save you some time!
We delved in slowly since the girls are still young, I wanted them to have a taste of what the original novel has to offer without overwhelming them. This abridged version was THE perfect start. The illustrations are beautiful and the story is very age appropriate for the younger crowd.
Anne Arrives by Kallie George
Miss 7 fell full on in love with Anne the second the book started. A misunderstood orphan, a beautiful home town and just enough drama to hold her attention but not overwhelm her…”a perfect story”, in her whispered words.
We also enjoyed this version which offered a little more detail and length in story.
Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery (Classic Collection)
And Miss 7 read this graphic novel edition and could NOT put it down. She was so enthralled that I had to have a peek at it after and I can see why it grabbed her attention. Beautiful illustrations and the story is perfectly captured for young readers. This is a MUST HAVE!
Anne of Green Gables (Graphic Novel) by Mariah Marsden
Once they had a taste of life at Green Gables, we planned a few activities to extend that interest.
We made mini Anne hats with red yarn braids.
This was Miss 5’s first time braiding and she was transfixed with the simple process.
We were going to attach magnets to the back of the hats to use as decorations but the girls insisted on keeping them as is for their dollies to play dress up. Fine by me!
Anne’s Colors by Kelly Hill
We loved these simple board books as well!
The illustrations look hand-stitched and the detail is amazing!
Anne’s Numbers by Kelly Hill
Next we thought we would try our hand at a few of the memorable food items mentioned in Anne’s story. First up….ICE CREAM! This was our first time making no-churn ice cream and it was…ridiculously easy! We will definitely be making this again.
Homemade Ice Cream (No-Churn)
1 and 1/2 cups half and half
1 tablespoon sugar
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup rock salt or Kosher salt
3 cups of ice
1 gallon-size zip-top bag (medium size) and 1 pint-size zip-top bag (sandwich size)
Start by filling the large bag with half of the ice and salt. Carefully measure and pour the half and half into the small bag along with the vanilla and sugar. Seal tightly! Place the small bag in the large bag. Pack the rest of the ice around the cream-filled bag and then sprinkle with the rest of the rock salt. Seal the top, wrap it in a dish towel, and shake.
(Science Break: Without the salt, the ice wouldn’t dip below zero degrees celcius (32F). It would not be cold enough to freeze the cream. The freezing point of salt water is lower than regular water. Adding all that salt is an essential step!)
Shake for 5 minutes or so, until the creamy mixture become more solid. Check by giving the bag a squeeze. Remove the ice cream from the bag and wash your hands! No one wants to taste salt when licking ones ice creamy fingers!
We popped these in the freezer to enjoy after our lunch.
Anne of Green Gables Cookbook by Kate MacDonald (L.M. Montgomery)
Next up…Raspberry Cordial! No “Anne” experience would be complete without this! Miss 7 was very worried about which cordial we would be making…the kind Anne served, or the kind she SHOULD have served.
Red Raspberry Cordial
1 1/2 cups of raspberries fresh or frozen
3/4 cup of sugar
4 cups of water
2 lemons or 1 drop of lemon eo
Put the raspberries, sugar and water into a large sauce pan. Cook over medium heat. Stir and mash-up berries every so often, for 20 minutes or until all of the sugar is dissolved. Pour the mixture through a sieve using the back of a spoon to push the juice through, leaving the seeds behind.
Squeeze the lemons and strain the juice. Add lemon juice to the raspberry juice. Let the cordial cool in the fridge for several hours. Serve with ice and lemon wedge garnish!
We served ours with mini cucumber sandwiches to serve as our lunch and re-read a few of our favourite themed books.
I also printed a few colouring pages from Pinterest for the girls to complete. I may have colored one myself (who can resist Anne!).
Anne of Green Gables Coloring Book by Jae-Eun Lee
We ended our day with THE sweetest addition to our Anne collection. This is a dreamy book, the words and illustrations are so soothing and it is sure to be a classic bedtime story for generations to come. So happy to have found this gem!
Good night, Anne by Kallie George
Miss 7 is now taking a crack at the original, unabridged version and she is enjoying it so much!
Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery
I’m so thrilled to share this story with my girls and can’t wait to explore the next book in this series. Does Anne hold a special place in your heart?
(See THIS blog post for our adventures on Prince Edward Island and visiting the Green Gables house that started it all.)
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